Check out Birthright - Auckland Obstetrics for your Pregnancy care

baby sleeping on the tummy covered with beige cashmere wrap
If you are looking for a private obstetrics and gynaecology practice in Auckland, check out Birthright obstetrics as an option for your pregnancy and birth care

Check out Birthright - Auckland Obstetrics for your Maternity care

Welcome on the journey of your life, the journey to becoming a mama! Choosing an obstetric specialist, that will take care of you during the most special time of your life, can be hard, and overwhelming, but worry no more! I have gathered some information, about why choosing Birthright Obstetrics clinic can be a great option for you and your little one.


Why you should choose Auckland private obstetrics Birthright?

With all the challenges the pregnancy might bring, it is important to have access to a knowledgeable professional. If this is your top priority, they may be an excellent choice for you since they provide specialist obstetric care and midwifery services seven days a week, 24 hours a day, without any compromise on the quality of their advice. Your obstetrics care program will incorporate antenatal checks, diagnostic tests and screening, assistance, and support during labour and delivery plus midwife post-birth visits at your residence. If you are uncertain about your childbirth plan don't be concerned! Part of their maternity care schedule is a consultation with the midwife, to debate all of your possibilities for the birth plan and get you ready as much as possible for your transition into motherhood.

baby sleeping on the side with one palm under the cheek


Birth care

When you are in active labour, pick up the phone and one of the Birthright obstetricians will meet you in the labour suits of the National Women's Health at the Auckland City hospital. If the birth in the hot tub might be your preference, choose one of the hot tub suits. Birthing suits are large enough to bring in all your support personnel, whoever that might be, from your partner to the extended whanau, they will welcome you all! As the labour can go long into the night, the stunning views over Auckland city will keep you occupied. Have a quick sneak peek into their birthing suits here!

After Birth Care

After a few days in the Birthcare, you can anticipate regular visits from the exceptional postnatal midwife of the Birthright clinic. She will assess your baby's feeding and progress, as well as assist you with any worries or queries that may arise.

baby sleeping with chin on hands, he is covered with a knitted wrap


Birthright Obstetrics

Address: Level 2, Ascot Central, 7 Ellerslie Racecourse Drive

Contact: or 0800 247 848



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